Saturday, September 22, 2018

A New Chapter For CINNABAR - Leaving Frech Poly. for New Zealand

Now that the guests have departed we are busily attending to all the projects that will make for a safe passage from French Polynesia to Palmerston Atoll and then on to Niue and Tonga. From Tonga we will head to our final (this season) destination of New Zealand.

We have a list of things "to do". NOT on the list was this one: While checking the wire from the Single Side Band (HF) antenna tuner to the backstay (which turns the backstay into a very tall antenna) we discovered the tuner wire was undergoing corrosion. 

The radio has been working fine and it is our lifeline to checking in while underway, for downloading weather forecasts and even getting email from one of our accounts. But that corroded wire was a ticking time bomb and it was much better to replace it while at anchor than during a rambunctious passage.

Boat yoga? This would have been nearly impossible to do under way.

To access the bottom of the antenna insulator Tom had to go upside down in the aft locker and reach the nut at the very back of the boat between the ladder. I didn't get the insulator in the picture but the little arrow is pointing to it. The corroded wire is hanging down. 

We had a lovely farewell dinner with our friends Mike and Katie from PANGAEA at the Raiatea Lodge restaurant. Then we remembered it was our 30th anniversary of being together so we turned it into a bit of a celebration.

Happy Anniversary to us!

Our lifestyle is one of hellos and goodbyes. We look forward to catching up to friends we've said farewell to in the past but it is sad to say farewell to the friends we have here.

When you next you hear from us we will probably be underway, heading westward. 

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